Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Something to look forward to...

This will be another short post.  I just took a bath and I'm feeling relaxed and tired and I want to try and get to bed as soon as possible.   When I first decided a bath was a good idea for tonight I was hoping that it would inspire me to write something but it totally didn't.  It just made me more sleepy and disinclined to write.  But I didn't get to 235 posts to stop now, so here I am typing more nonsense on this keyboard.

I spent some time today looking at our budget again and it only furthered my new found desire to make this place work.  It's funny, there's a small part of me that goes, "well we don't actually have to follow through with all this wedding planning stuff.  It would save us a lot more if we didn't."  But then I quickly come back to my senses.  I do hope that we will actually get away will spending less than we're anticipating.  Ideally, I'd like to keep the cushion that we have for emergencies and build off that rather than start over at zero.

This kind of thinking leads me into more practical thoughts like, I really do wan to learn how to cook.  How nice would it be to make a couple of decent dinners and have leftovers for lunches.  A part of me wonders if that would save us some money within our food budget.  Probably not, but it would get us healthier which does usually save money in the long term.  It's kind of exciting as I'm already thinking about the projects I want to work on once the wedding and honeymoon are over and life slows back down.   I have other things I want to accomplish and I'm looking forward to implementing them.   It's really nice having so much to look forward to; I'm always a much happier camper that way.

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