Monday, August 22, 2011

Continuing to take baby steps

Oh my I'm utterly exhausted tonight and I'm not sure why.  I got plenty of sleep but my mind feels totally off.  Even during my last hour of work, I felt all discombobulated but I wasn't fired for being sick on Friday so that was a plus.  I guess it actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be on Friday and they had enough coverage.  Thank goodness because I felt so bad.   It's strange, it's like I'm enjoying my job more and more.  It's just not  bugging me as much as it used to; I just wish the hours were better.  I could work during the day but I also know that the day shift is so, so much worse than the night shift.

In other news, Dave and I didn't get much done in the way of cleaning today but we were pretty productive wedding stuff.  We mailed our "thank you" cards for the wedding shower, e-mailed our photographer, and I was able to lock down a date for my bachelorette party.  I'm so excited about the bachelorette party, I can't even begin to say.   It turns out the that the day that worked for everyone else was the best day for me too which made me super pumped and I feel like we are all on the same page when it comes to having the low key feel.   It will be fun, cheap, and perfect and I'm so excited.  It's also the same day as Dave's bachelor party which is kind of nice because I won't be sitting at home worrying about the debauchery he might be getting himself into (not that he's that kind of type).

Things seem to be coming together and I feel like with everyday I'm getting more and more excited for our wedding and our life that we are planning together.  People say that this can be a super stressful time but as of right now, I must disagree.  Sure, there are moments but I'm having a great time planning and working with Dave and my friends.  I'm loving it.  I can't wait for my wedding but it's because I'm super excited for it not because "I just want it to be over with" and that's a really good feeling.  There is still sooo much to do so maybe this feeling will change but I really hope not!

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