Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Dave gave me an Excel tutorial tonight.  I'm always coming up with these formulas to help us save or to see how much we can save over a certain period of time.  He always laughs at my trying to complete them by hand and spending hours.  In truth, I find it comforting: the repetition of the same process over and over and over again.  It relaxes me in some strange way.  However, I also know that there are tools out there that will do it for me if I invest a small amount of time.  I'd seen Dave create them for me. Once created, I could plug in different variables to see how they would affect the overall results over a course of a year or multiple years.   I wanted to learn how to do it myself.

Knowing more about Excel is invaluable.  Not only will it help me with my own bizarre instances of calculating random things but it will be really helpful for future job prospects.  I mean, I know the basics of Excel and I can hold my own with simple tasks; however, if I need to do something quickly and efficiently I need for more training.  Really, it's such an amazing tool.  My sister, who is also very knowledgeable with the program, created examples of what she wanted for her wedding website.  I don't know anywhere near that amount.   Luckily, I have a patient husband who is willing to show me because he knows that I will never take it upon myself to research how to do it.  He was great.  Unfortunately, he got stuck working for a while this evening so we had to call the training session short but hopefully we'll continue it tomorrow.

I love learning new things.

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