Thursday, June 14, 2012

Clothing and Weight

Holy Batman Laundry!  We have so much laundry.  Where do all these clothes come from?  I hate all of my clothing and what I wear is in constant rotation.  Dave does the exact same thing.  So where is all this clothing coming from?  Sure it's only two loads but it seems like so much.  Like I said, I hate what I wear 90% of the time and some of my key pieces are from college.   So much of our clothing have holes - you would think we were poor and couldn't afford a new shirt.  That's not it for either of us.  We just hate buying clothing.  Somehow I got it into my that shopping for clothing is a waste of money.  It might have to do with the fact that most of the dresses and outfits I like cost over $100 but still.  Clothing is necessary and I make all the arguments as to why it's important to be styled but I just don't buy into it on a literal level.

Of course, I know that there is the horrible thinking of "I can't buy new clothing until I lose the weight."  One of my model friends on Facebook made a comment about how impossible it is to find a cute little swimsuit.  To quote her directly, "Why are all the swimsuits sold in Boston made for grandmas? The bottoms cover wayy too much."  I wish that was my complaint.  Congratulations that your biggest issue with swimsuit shopping is a result of the bathing suits not being revealing enough.  I don't even want to try one on because I don't want to face myself in the mirror.   Looking at my pictures from high school, I realized just how tiny I used to be (and I used to think I was a bit pudgy).  Yes, I know that longing for your high school weight is silly and unrealistic but how about college? I would love to lose the 30 lbs I've gained since then.

Just watch: in ten years I'll be looking back on the pictures of today and think, "My god, I wish I weighed as much as I did when I got married and I thought I was fat."  Even thinking that might be my reality makes me sad.  No thank you.

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