Just as I about to write this post, I had to kill another spider. Normally, spiders don't bother me very much but I've seen so many these past couple of weeks that it's really beginning to creep me out. Every time I see one, I always think of that saying that people eat eight spiders while they're sleeping during the course of their lifetime. With my seeing so many, I can't help but wonder how many I might have ingested over the years. So yeah, I'm really, really ready to find a new place. Between the leaks, the ac trouble, the spiders, and the overall need for a change of pace, I'm finding that I'm looking forward to October for more than just the wedding. I know, I know, it will be here before I know it.
Anyway, the last thing I wanted to write about is spiders. Normally, when work ends at 11pm, my coworkers and I all go our separate ways to our individual cars but tonight was different. After work the three of us continued our conversation outside and I realized something. Everyone really does have their own unique story and even though each person's hardship could be totally different, someone we can all relate through our individual painful experiences. My job isn't the job of a lifetime and it's definitely not what I ever saw myself doing at this point but I must admit, I'm really grateful for everything this job has offered me.
Aside from helping me earn money and giving me a salary on with to live on, this job has introduced to me to some of the most incredible people. Many office positions can come with their share of internal drama and strife. I've heard of the term, "office politics" but I've been so lucky to have never had to experience anything of the sort. My coworkers over these past couple of years are some of the best people I've met in my entire life. Each of them have touched my life and inspired me in their own ways. Although, I don't plan on being at this job forever, the affect that the people I met while working here will continue to influence me for the rest of my life.
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