Monday, June 20, 2011

Feeling rejuvenated!

This post will be another short one primarily because I've started reading Sense and Sensibility and I had already settled into bed with it when Dave asked if I had written today.  Unfortunately, my desire to continue my reading outweighs my desire to write tonight so I will not spend great lengths constructing sentences.  Anyway, today I once again slept too late but I woke up not caring.  I felt refreshed and energized.  Despite not particularly wanting to go to work, I wasn't all mopey during the hours prior like I can be when I've overslept.  In fact, not long before it was time to get ready I had already bored myself with fruitless internet searches.

At work, I found myself strangely motivated.  Even as I took call after call with hardly a few moments in between I didn't feel exasperated as I usually do.  Normally, if the calls are busier than normal, my Falcon work suffers.  Falcon is what our fraud monitoring program is called and though I don't like much about my job, I always prefer Falcon to taking calls or answering e-mail inquiries.  Others at my workplace would wholeheartedly disagree but I like it.  Like I said, if I do end up taking non-stop calls I normally get discouraged and lose motivation for working Falcon but not today.  I was on a roll and was a very large part of lowering our never-ending totals.  Sure, it's not the most interesting thing in the world but I still feel like I accomplished something, nonetheless.  Of course, having such a productive day leaves me worrying about just how disinterested I'll be tomorrow.

Due to my getting up so late and working, I didn't do the things necessary for the wedding that I intended on doing.  In fact, during the hours before work I spent my time discussing with Dave just how badly a vacation was needed for both of us (especially him).  This, of course, led us to a brief mention of our honeymoon.  We only mention it briefly and neither of us have really allowed ourselves to get excited because then we'd really begin to look forward to it.  Unlike planning most vacations, this one comes after a giant project.  When I think about counting down the days until Hawaii, I am in effect counting down the days until my wedding which is almost immediately followed by, "Oh my gosh!  We have so much to do in so little time!" It's kind of funny when you think about it.  Since coming home from work, I've decided that the best way for me to enjoy the honeymoon countdown is to totally get on top of what's still needed for the wedding.

Therefore, for tomorrow, I've made a mental "to do" list.  There is a part of me that should put it down on paper but honestly, I've already left my book waiting much longer than I wanted and feel desperate to return to it.  Good night everyone!  Or should I say, "good day" as very few of you actually read this or are awake just after I've posted.

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