Saturday, January 5, 2013


Got some difficult news to swallow tonight when my mother called to tell me that my nana's house got broken into last night.  She' okay, thank God.  Still it was 9pm and she was saying her rosary when she saw two men standing outside her bedroom window.  She immediately pressed her lifeline and started screaming once she heard them in her kitchen.  I can't imagine how scared she must have been.  She's got spunk though and luckily her screams caused them to run away.   I'm still not sure why at 90 years old she insists on staying at her home alone but even now she wants to go back once the doors and windows are fixed and the alarmed installed.  My hope is that my father, my aunt, and my uncle can talk her out of it.

Her strength has always astounded me.  Sure, she's gotten a bit cantankerous in her old age but I've always admired her.  Her father had a bit of an alcohol problem when she was a child causing her mother to go to work when she was only nine.  This left her cooking and cleaning and taking care of her younger brother before the age of ten.  She insisted on driving at the age of sixteen despite it being completely unheard of at that time and the man would all make fun of her.  Much later she was diagnosed with a brain tumor, had surgery, and lost all function on one side her body which she had to learn to regain.  Not to mention how she cared for my grandfather for at least 7 years after his stroke.   That strength and pride that kept her going for so long is now what makes her so stubborn about leaving her home.

I hate that this happened to her and I am so grateful that she is okay.

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