Friday, April 15, 2011

Short update tonight

I had a tough day.  Nothing really happened to make it bad but it just didn't go well.  Probably had more to do with my mood than anything else.  Normally I'm not an emotional eater but all I wanted when I came home was some macaroni and cheese so I had some.  By some, I mean all.  Compound that with the giant cookie Jamie, Dave, and I shared yesterday I sort threw away some of my hard work earlier this week.  On the plus side, hopefully all that hard work will means that I didn't gain weight. Aside from those small snippets, I'm still going to allow myself to feel proud.  I joined Weight Watchers a couple of weeks ago but this week was really the first week I fully committed myself.

While I'm giving the update, I should just come out and say that since last week when I had my little freak out and I don't know what to do but had a "big choice to make" I'm doing a lot better.  On Monday morning I talked to my psychologist and really flushed out a lot of the feelings that were overwhelming me.  Although, I'm still not completely ready to discuss this here I did want to let everyone that what you read earlier was me still try to deal with whatever it is that I'm trying to deal with and therefore, freaking out.  It doesn't happen as often as it used but sadly, it does creep in and catch me when I don't expect.  And of course, it's always seem easier to spew my guts out when I'm freaking out than when things are going well.

Okay, I think that's it tonight.  I've had this headache that just won't go away so I'm going to call it quits early.

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