Monday, January 3, 2011

Potential Direction

I found the book that will help me with this project today and bought it this time with a gift card that I got over Christmas.  Called A Writer's Book of Days by Judy Reeves, this book is full of prompts to inspire creativity; one for each day of the year, to be exact.  I found it a few weeks ago and, as I'm sort of a recovering compulsive book shopper, decided it would be best to write down the title and put it back on the shelf.  A few days later I was so inspired by it I came up with this blog idea, but when I went to look for the title it was absolutely nowhere to be found.  After a various attempts to relocate that small piece of paper and trying to find it online, I gave up and decided to move forward with the blog anyway.  Today, when I was being all abnormally productive I stopped by the bookstore and found it!  I don't know if it will meet my expectations but here's to hoping. To be completely honest, I haven't opened the book since I bought it forced to go to work instead.  Now that I'm home, I want to do my writing before I become too tired and begin making up excuses to skip tonight.

If I remember correctly, some of these prompts may actually be creative writing prompts as opposed to personal writing prompts. If that's is the case, I must ask whoever may be out there reading this to forgive me again.  I am not a creative writer; I took one class freshman year of college six years ago (wow, that's a scary thought) and I think I remember doing a little in high school but that's been the extent.  Therefore, whatever I write will probably be mediocre at best.  One of my good friends from college whom I consider to be the best writer (creative or otherwise) I know always reminds me that she didn't start out there.  She had to work at it, practice, and just keep doing it.  She, of course, has a natural talent and I may never be able to weave words into beautiful blankets and scarves like she is able to but I will at least begin to explore what may lie within me.

Who knows? Maybe one of these prompts will inspire me to write about something for much longer than fifteen minutes.  I've secretly wanted to write a novel ever since I heard about Nanowrimo and every November I watch many friends attempt to craft a first draft in thirty days envious that they have an idea that they can write 50,000 words about.  There were a couple of times that I tried but just found myself at a complete dead end by day three.  In that particular case, it was not for lack of motivation or time that I didn't complete it.  Just a limited idea to begin with.  Okay, my fifteen minutes is up; it's time for me to dive into my new book and see what may await for this blog.

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